biggest bird in the world


 Small to the biggest birds of the world are found on this earth, which keep this nature balanced. But do you know which is the biggest bird in the world? If not, today I am going to tell about this.

Most of the big birds cannot fly because of their heavy weight, but apart from that there are many big birds which fly. In today's post  we will tell you about the 10 biggest birds in the world, so read it till the end.

biggest bird in the world

World's biggest birds Top 10 List

Here below are the list of 10 biggest birds of the world –     Amazing bird nests

1. Ostriches

biggest bird in the world

The ostrich is the largest living bird in the world , and can grow up to 9 feet tall and weigh up to 300 pounds. It is the only living bird that cannot fly. Native to Africa and the Middle East, the ostrich is an iconic creature with its long neck, powerful legs, and unmistakable black and white plumage.

They are found mainly in Africa, and lay the largest eggs of any living land animal. Ostriches typically feed on plants, roots, and seeds, but will occasionally eat insects, lizards, or other organisms. They mostly live in groups of 10 to 50 birds.

2. Emus

Emus ( Dromaius novaehollandiae ) are the second tallest living bird after the ostrich, typically standing at 153 cm tall. His weight is 33 kg. It is found in Australia, and is the largest native bird there. Female emu are usually slightly larger than males, and have very broad tails.

Emu can run at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour when needed. They only have 3 toes and a small number of bones and leg muscles. They feed on a wide variety of plants and insects, and can live for weeks without food. Also, emus are one of the top 10 largest birds in the world.

3. Cassowaries


Cassowaries are birds of the family Casuariidae, which have 3 species. The most common are the southern cassowaries, which are the second heaviest and third longest-lived birds in the world. Also their normal weight is 40 kg, and normal height is 146 cm. Cassowaries are commonly found in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and northeastern Australia.

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Cassowaries prefer to eat fruit, but will also eat small vertebrates, invertebrates, fungi, carrion, and plants. They eat more than 200 species of plants in their diet. In addition, the southern cassowary has shiny black plumage, a blue face and long neck, red on the cape and two red blotches about 17.8 cm long around the throat.

4. Penguins


The emperor penguin ( Aptenodytes forsteri ) is the fourth largest biggest bird in the world. It is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species, and is found in Antarctica. It reaches 100 cm in length and weighs from 22 to 46 kg. In addition, penguins feed mainly on fish, squid and krill, also traveling many kilometers in search of food.

While hunting, it can remain submerged under water for about 20 minutes, and can dive to a depth of 535 meters. Additionally, the head and back feathers of emperor penguins are clearly delineated by black and white bellies, pale-yellow breasts, and bright-yellow ear patches.

5. Rheas

Greater rheas ( Rhea americanus ) are native to South America. It is mainly found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Furthermore, Rheas are the largest birds in South America and the fifth largest in the world. Their average weight is 23 kg and length is 134 cm. Their diet includes insects, lizards and small birds.

Additionally, a small population of Rhine wrens have established themselves in Germany, with a population of about 250 birds that are considered domestic. The life expectancy of Greater Rheas is 10.5 years.

6. Turkeys


The wild turkey ( Meleagris gallopavo ) is one of the largest birds in the world. This species is the largest flying bird in the world. Their average weight is 13.5 kg and length is 124 cm. It is found especially in America. In addition, larger wild turkeys have longer reddish-yellow to brownish-green legs.

Their feathers are usually black and dark in color. Additionally ( male turkeys ) have a long, deep, fan-shaped tail and shiny bronze feathers. Turkeys mainly eat a variety of seeds, berries, juniper, buds, bearberries, roots, leaves, ferns, nuts and other hard mastic. In addition, it occasionally eats small reptiles such as salamanders, lizards, small snakes, and chickens.

7. Swans

The mute swan ( Cygnus olor ) is the heaviest waterfowl in the world, with an average weight of 11.87 kg. Its average length is 125 to 170 cm. Its name derives from being less vocal than other species of "mute" swan.

Additionally, this large swan is completely white with a black bill, which can be identified by its pronounced knob. Most mute swans are native to Euro-Siberia, and are an introduced species in North America. They feed mainly on aquatic vegetation, molluscs, small fish, frogs and insects. Also, the mute swan is the second largest flying bird and the seventh biggest bird in the world

8. Bustards

Kori bustards (Ardiotis kori) are members of the bustard family, and are the largest flying birds in Africa. Moreover, the male kori bustard has a height of 105 to 128 cm and a wingspan of 230 to 275 cm. And its weight can usually range from 7 to 20 kg.

Kori bustards are omnivores, although they are more carnivorous than other species of bustard. They mainly eat insects, chicks, small mammals, lizards, snakes, seeds and berries. Furthermore, kori bustards are colourful, mostly brown and gray, with fine patterns of black and white stripes.

9. Albatrosses

The Wandering Albatross is a large member of the Diomedidae family. They have the largest wingspan of any bird, which spans over 11 feet. They weigh an average of 12 kilos, and are about three and a half feet long from bill to tail.

Interestingly, this species is known to circumnavigate the Southern Ocean three times every year. Wandering albatrosses cover distances of over 120,000 km in a year.

Additionally, albatrosses eat a diet of fish and squid, and sometimes fish waste discarded by fishing boats. They chew so much that they sometimes have to digest before flying. Furthermore, the albatross is one of the top biggest bird in the world

10. Pelicans


The Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus) is one of the largest flying birds in the world. They are found in Europe and South Asia. Dalmatian pelicans are mainly found in lakes, rivers, deltas and estuaries.

Their average weight is 11.5 kg and length is 183 cm. Like other pelicans, males are larger than females, and their diet consists mainly of fish.

They eat up to 2 kg of fish per day, including catfish, eel and European perch. Also, this bird is the largest of all pelican species and one of the largest living flying bird species.

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Name of 10 biggest bird of the world

1. Ostriches

2. Emus

3. Cassowaries

4. Penguins

5. Rheas

6. Turkeys

7. Swans

8. Bustards

9. Albatrosses

10. Pelicans

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